I swear, the more I learn about the grossly unethical intersection between pharmaceutical companies, the v*cc/ne + formula lobbies, “trusted” medical organizations, and government agencies/programs, the more I have an insane amount of distrust in everything. You have to question E V E R Y T H I N G. Once you start digging into this stuff, you really can’t go back. Phew.
That we would live in an environment where breastfeeding is celebrated and regarded as (perhaps) sacred/inviolable -- and that you would be severely questioned if you didn't believe in it, sounds wonderful. I imagine it may have been this way in what is now the US, at some point in its history. Personally, I don't connect/agree with the comparisons to the vaccination program.
I swear, the more I learn about the grossly unethical intersection between pharmaceutical companies, the v*cc/ne + formula lobbies, “trusted” medical organizations, and government agencies/programs, the more I have an insane amount of distrust in everything. You have to question E V E R Y T H I N G. Once you start digging into this stuff, you really can’t go back. Phew.
That we would live in an environment where breastfeeding is celebrated and regarded as (perhaps) sacred/inviolable -- and that you would be severely questioned if you didn't believe in it, sounds wonderful. I imagine it may have been this way in what is now the US, at some point in its history. Personally, I don't connect/agree with the comparisons to the vaccination program.
I thought this article was so interesting, the point of view of modern breastfeeding in Mongolia: https://www.naturalchild.org/articles/guest/ruth_kamnitzer.html. Refreshing take by the author.